
Redhawk & Sundance Power Plants, Arizona, USA

Upgrading power plant's existing filterhouse with an inlet chilling technology 

Why We Committed to the Project

Improving efficiency of existing power generation equipment is key to tackling increasing electricity demand without necessity to build extensive new power sources. In a partnership with US-American company Stellar Energy, 2JCP is offering a unique turbine inlet air chilling ('TIAC') technology, which is suitable especially to regions with high day and night outside air temperature differences. 
At the heart of this technology is a breakthrough approach to gas turbine functionality. Traditionally, gas turbines operate based on the expansion of gases as they transition from cold to hot. The burning mixture of natural gas and air then drives the turbine. However, if the initial inlet air temperature is higher - for example, 50 degrees centigrade instead of five - the turbine's operating power is reduced to 70%. This is particularly problematic during peak demand periods, such as hot summer days, when air conditioning consumption spikes and the turbine is also the least efficient. 
With our partner Stellar Energy, we have developed a technology that cools a special medium using excess energy during night-time operation, when the turbine is more efficient and electricity market demand is lower. During the day, we direct the cooled medium into special chillers built inside the turbine air inlet systems that reduce the supply air to the optimum 7 degrees, greatly increasing the turbine's power output.  
The result? Not only do we effectively reduce the need for oversized turbines, saving significant costs, but our method also reduces CO2 emissions, contributing to a more sustainable energy future. Our energy storage solution bridges the period from night to day, maximising efficiency without compromising energy supply. 


How We Contributed to the Project 

The project for Redhawk and Sundance power plants operated by Arizona Public Service marks our third successful TIAC collaboration with Stellar Energy. 2JCP’s scope on this project was full engineering of the upgraded air inlet system containing chillers for leading the cooled medium, fabrication of the entire system at its main Račice plant including pressure piping system for the cooling medium, shipping the modules across the Atlantic Ocean as well as complete retrofitting of the current air inlet system and installation of the complete chilling system on both power plants in Arizona. 
Although we speak only about two power plants, the scope encompassed modification of air inlet systems on 14 gas turbines - 10 coil modules for the Sundance power plant powered by ten 45 MW LM6000 gas turbines and 4 significantly larger coil modules for the Redhawk power plant, which is powered by four 7F.04 gas turbines, each with power output of 309 MW in combined cycle.

Given the capacity constraints on the entire Arizona distribution grid, we were under pressure from APS to minimize downtime, particularly in the case of the larger Redhawk power plant. From the originally planned 4-month outage for the Redhawk plant's 4 units, the client required all installation work to be performed on a reduced schedule of 70 working days. We were forced to reflect this requirement into an unusually large installation staffing, which included 60 assemblers, welders, mechanical and electrical engineers working a continuous shift schedule (24/7).

Our installation team in Arizona unloading and installing the chilling modules

“The APS project was one of the biggest projects 2JCP have worked so far. The engineering and manufacturing scope was nothing new for us, though. What was especially challenging was meeting very strict timing requirements for installation of all modules on site. The equipment had to be delivered precisely on pre-agreed dates (although shipped across half of the world) and multiple installation teams had to be deployed simultaneously. At one stage, we had nearly 60 workers in Arizona”, commented Daniel Newton, Managing Director of our Power Solutions business unit, responsible for this project. 


3D model of the inlet chilling technology


A chilling module incl. coils being installed in place


Completed upgraded filterhouse with new inlet chilling technology

More About the Project

Arizona Public Service (APS) is a major energy utility company operating in the U.S. state of Arizona that seeks to find innovative ways to make electricity generation more efficient. One such project has been the implementation of Stellar Energy TIAC technology with support of 2JCP at their Redhawk and Sundance power plants.

Redhawk Power Plant is a 1,060MW gas fired power project. It is located in Arizona, the US. It has been developed in multiple phases and got commissioned in July 2002. The power plant is powered by four GE 7F turbines and serves as baseload electricity source. Meanwhile, the Sundance Power Station is a 450MW gas fired power plant located also in Arizona, the US. The project got commissioned in May 2002 and is powered by ten GE LM600 gas turbines. The power plant is primarily used for peak load. 
The project is one example of how innovative technology can be used to increase the efficiency of electricity generation. APS is looking for ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and switch to sustainable energy sources. This project can be an example for other energy companies that want to increase their efficiency in electricity generation.


With a strong legacy in energy products, we are constantly moving towards cleaner energy solutions.

Packaging of industrial electrolyzers for production of e-methanol
Power-to-X plant, Kassø, Denmark

Delivery of special-purpose storage and process tanks for an offshore HVDC station
Sunrise Wind offshore farm, New York, USA

Turnkey delivery of a renewable gasification plant
Sofidel, Kisa plant, Sweden

Our Approach

We have grown through a combination of engineering know-how, courage, common sense and the proven skills of our workers. We are the bridge between thinking and making, between an idea and a multi-ton product, between our generation and the next.

Engineering and innovations

Many of our works delivered around the world were the first of their kind, whether they were components of drilling systems or green methanol production solutions. We have always tended to be co-creators of engineering solutions, never giving up on any technological challenge.

Whatever can be invented can be manufactured.

Manufacturing and delivery

Our roots are in the welding shop where it all began thirty years ago. We know well enough about steel to make it work perfectly for the energy projects of the future.

We also know that even a well-made component is useless until it's delivered, up and running. That's why we handle the entire product lifecycle - from design to go-live.